So maybe I have seen too many movies, but vibrators scare the shit out of me! For example, if I were to have gotten one at the party, put down my bag of purchases, and it went off...Fuck, then everyone would have known what I bought. Then there would come the great stories and non stop jokes -- all at my expense. How embarrassing! So let's go with the scenario that I bought one. Okay, I safely put down my bag with undisclosed purchases. Now, I have to make it home. You see I hitched a ride with a friend -- who just before we left, warned me that I BETTER have my own bag. Between you and me...she scared the shit out of me, almost as bad as those vibrators. Back to the ride home. What would happen if I didn't set it down softly enough and the thing went off....Yes, back to the stories and non stop jokes. Taking it a step further, assume that I got the thing home without going off. I have friends who have kids. What if one of the kids found it, and brought it out to show everyone the 'toy' they had found. Again with the stories and non stop jokes. So you see, no good came come from vibrators...just like no good can come from alleys (and that's a post for another time).